Saturday, April 13, 2019

Kidava Vaud

Kill credited to Soran Faerber. Placed 21st.

"Most kids today don't know what they missed out on; I've watched every recording of the brutality and excitement, and I wish I was in the arena years ago!"

Applicant #19;
15 years.

Current Residence: District Two

Strengths: Inquisitive, Nonchalant, Ambitious, Candid, Daughty, Amusing

Weaknesses: Idealistic, Immature, Audacious, Irritating, Disobliging, Delusional
Weapon of Choice: Pocketknife

Soran Faerber, Icarus Devereux, Trojan Geomantra
Instructor: Harper Stanek, Group C
Simulation Placement: 2nd

Kills: None.

Mean Ranking Score: 19

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